Wisata di Kediri yang Lagi Hits: Nikmati Keindahan Alamnya, Sobat Traveling!

Wisata di Kediri yang Lagi Hits: Nikmati Keindahan Alamnya, Sobat Traveling!

wisata di kediri yang lagi hits

Welcome, Sobat Traveling! Kediri, a hidden gem in Indonesia, is buzzing with trendy and popular tourist destinations. From breathtaking natural landscapes to cultural attractions, the city offers a wide variety of experiences for travelers. In this article, we will explore the “wisata di Kediri yang lagi hits” or popular tourist spots in Kediri that are currently trending. So pack your bags and let’s embark on an adventure to discover the beauty of Kediri!

From stunning waterfalls to picturesque beaches, Kediri has it all. Let’s dive into some of the top attractions in the city that you shouldn’t miss:

1. Keindahan Air Terjun Tumpak Sewu

air terjun tumpak sewu kediri

Mengenal Keindahan Air Terjun Tumpak Sewu

Located in Lumajang, just a short distance from Kediri, Air Terjun Tumpak Sewu is a mesmerizing waterfall that has become an Instagram sensation. Its name “Tumpak Sewu” literally translates to “a thousand falls” in Javanese, depicting the magnificent sight of water flowing and cascading down from various levels of the waterfall. With its towering cliffs, lush green surroundings, and crystal-clear water, this natural wonder offers a breathtaking view that will leave you in awe.

Menikmati Keindahan Air Terjun Tumpak Sewu

To reach Air Terjun Tumpak Sewu, you can take a road trip from Kediri. The journey usually takes around 3-4 hours, depending on the road conditions and traffic. You can follow the route through Lumajang and continue towards Sidomulyo Village. From there, you can hire a local guide who will accompany you to the waterfall. The hike to the waterfall may be challenging, but the scenic beauty along the way makes it worth the effort. Don’t forget to bring your camera to capture the magical moments and create lasting memories!

2. Wisata Religi di Makam Sunan Kediri

makam sunan kediri

Mengenal Makam Sunan Kediri

Kediri is not only famous for its natural attractions but also for its rich cultural heritage. One of the must-visit religious sites in Kediri is Makam Sunan Kediri, the tomb of Sunan Kediri, a prominent figure in Javanese Islamic history. Sunan Kediri, also known as Raden Malik Ibrahim, played a significant role in spreading Islam in the region. The tomb is a place of pilgrimage for Muslims and a symbol of the city’s historical heritage.

Menikmati Keindahan Makam Sunan Kediri

The tomb of Sunan Kediri is located in the heart of Kediri City, making it easily accessible for visitors. As you enter the complex surrounding the tomb, you will be greeted by the soothing atmosphere of the mosque and the peaceful surroundings. Inside the mosque, you can offer prayers and seek blessings. The tomb itself is a beautiful example of traditional Javanese architecture, with intricate carvings and designs. Take a moment to reflect and learn about the rich Islamic history of the region.

3. Menikmati Keindahan Wisata Alam Telaga Wilis

telaga wilis kediri

Mengenal Telaga Wilis

Telaga Wilis is a natural lake located in the mountains of Kediri, offering a serene and peaceful environment for visitors. Surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills, this picturesque lake is a perfect spot to unwind and relax amidst nature. The clear blue water of the lake is inviting, and you can even take a boat ride to explore its beauty up close.

Menikmati Keindahan Telaga Wilis

To reach Telaga Wilis, you can take a scenic drive from Kediri towards the western part of the city. The journey will take you through winding roads and beautiful landscapes, allowing you to enjoy the natural beauty of the region. Once you reach Telaga Wilis, you can stroll along the lakeside, enjoy a picnic with your loved ones, or simply sit back and soak in the tranquility of the surroundings. Don’t forget to capture some stunning photos to preserve the memories of your visit!

Rute Perjalanan dan Lokasi Wisata di Kediri yang Lagi Hits

Bagi Sobat Traveling yang tertarik mengunjungi wisata di Kediri yang lagi hits, berikut ini adalah rute perjalanan dan lokasi wisata yang bisa Sobat kunjungi:

Rute Perjalanan

Pertama-tama, dari pusat kota Kediri, Sobat bisa mengambil rute menuju Air Terjun Tumpak Sewu di Lumajang. Dari sana, Sobat bisa melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Makam Sunan Kediri yang terletak di pusat kota Kediri. Terakhir, Sobat bisa memasuki kawasan Telaga Wilis yang berada di sebelah barat kota Kediri.

Rute ini akan memberikan pengalaman perjalanan yang mendebarkan dan memungkinkan Sobat menikmati keindahan alam sekitar Kediri. Jika Sobat memiliki kendaraan sendiri, pastikan untuk memperhatikan kondisi jalan dan mempersiapkan diri dengan baik sebelum memulai perjalanan.

Lokasi Wisata di Kediri yang Lagi Hits

Berikut adalah lokasi wisata di Kediri yang lagi hits yang bisa Sobat kunjungi:

  1. Air Terjun Tumpak Sewu di Lumajang
  2. Makam Sunan Kediri di pusat kota Kediri
  3. Telaga Wilis di sebelah barat kota Kediri

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk menjelajahi keindahan alam dan budaya yang ditawarkan oleh wisata di Kediri yang lagi hits ini. Pastikan untuk mempersiapkan perjalanan dengan baik, termasuk membawa perbekalan dan mengatur jadwal perjalanan dengan bijak.

Harga Tiket Masuk dan Informasi Lainnya

Demikianlah beberapa informasi mengenai harga tiket masuk dan informasi lainnya untuk wisata di Kediri yang lagi hits:

Air Terjun Tumpak Sewu

– Harga tiket masuk: Rp. 15.000 per orang

– Lokasi: Lumajang, sekitar 3-4 jam perjalanan dari Kediri

– Jam operasional: 07.00 – 17.00 WIB

Makam Sunan Kediri

– Harga tiket masuk: Gratis

– Lokasi: Pusat Kota Kediri

– Jam operasional: 24 jam

Telaga Wilis

– Harga tiket masuk: Rp. 5.000 per orang

– Lokasi: Sebelah barat kota Kediri

– Jam operasional: 07.00 – 18.00 WIB

Sobat Traveling, jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi wisata di Kediri yang lagi hits ini. Selamat menikmati keindahan alam dan budaya yang ditawarkan oleh sobat Traveling!

Ingin melihat wisata lainnya? Sobat bisa membaca “Wisata Bahari di Sulawesi Tenggara”. Selamat berlibur!

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